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Text Edit Plus Version History

Text Edit Plus ScreenshotText Edit Plus Icon Text Edit Plus Windows
Version History

Changelog for the latest releases:

This page contains the complete changelog of Text Edit Plus, detailing what has changed in each version.

Text Edit Plus 14.7
September 13, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Add Folder” dialog for drag and drop
  • Supported long path filenames
  • Fixed “Word Wrap” issue affecting multiple tabs
  • Fixed “Change Active Line Color” glitch
  • Fixed encoding change bug, application preserves incompatible text content now

Text Edit Plus 14.6
April 26, 2024 (PST)

  • Fixed “Compare Side by Side” encoding bug
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 14.5
April 3, 2024 (PST)

  • Fixed WordWrap focus bug
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 14.4
April 2, 2024 (PST)

  • Closing last unmodified empty tab is prohibited
  • Removed multiple tab animations
  • Removed multiple tab right-click menu
  • Fixed URL opener bug
  • Fixed multiple tab click focus bug
  • Fixed “caption font” issue in multiple tabs

Text Edit Plus 14.3
April 1, 2024 (PST)

  • Updated multiple tabs
  • Updated spell checker
  • Fixed URL highlighter bug
  • Fixed close tab bug
  • Closing last tab doesn’t close the application
  • Reduced INI usage

Text Edit Plus 14.2
March 27, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Right-to-Left Layout” for classic text engine
  • Improved Insert Text
  • Improved keyboard shortcuts
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 14.1
March 25, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Compare Side by Side”
  • Installer adds SendTo icon, so that multiple files can be opened in multiple tabs
  • Fixed conflict between “Auto Refresh File” and “Monitor External File Modification” options
  • Improved horizontal ScrollBar

Text Edit Plus 14.0
February 27, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Remember Current Session for Next Launch”
  • Added “Enable Session Snapshot”
  • Improved command line arguments
  • Improved settings.ini error handling
  • Improved HTML stripping
  • Fixed “Move Up” and “Move Down”

Text Edit Plus 13.8
December 29, 2023 (PST)

  • Improved text statistics analysis
  • Removed ping command (timeout alternative for Windows XP) because some antivirus programs deemed it suspicious

Text Edit Plus 13.7
December 4, 2023 (PST)

  • Fixed “invalid class typecast” error when exporting to PDF and HTML
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 13.6
November 24, 2023 (PST)

  • “Monitor External File Modification” is enabled by default
  • Added “Add context menu item” translation into installer
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 13.5
November 22, 2023 (PST)

  • Fixed delay problem upon opening a file through command line parameter

Text Edit Plus 13.4
October 11, 2023 (PST)

  • Supported loading files in use by another process

Text Edit Plus 13.3
September 27, 2023 (PST)

  • Improved “Unicode Detector”, editor caret goes to the first unicode occurence
  • Added “Auto Refreshed” text

Text Edit Plus 13.2
September 7, 2023 (PST)

  • Improved “Highlight Selected Text”
  • Improved automatic theme selection
  • Changed default “Active Line Color”
  • Added “Debug Mode”
  • Uninstaller reverts .txt filetype association

Text Edit Plus 13.1
August 9, 2023 (PST)

  • Fixed some tab problems
  • Fixed reopen bug
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 13.0
August 5, 2023 (PST)

  • Added “Disable File History”
  • Added “Enable File History”
  • Improved Spell Checker
  • Improved settings.ini usage
  • Improved startup positioning
  • Improved quick sort
  • Improved Extras menu
  • Fixed “Application opens already loaded file in a new tab” problem
  • Fixed “List index out of bounds” problem

Text Edit Plus 12.8
July 11, 2023 (PST)

  • Added “Change Active Line Color”
  • Added “Change Text Color”
  • Improved UI

Text Edit Plus 12.7
June 11, 2023 (PST)

  • Fixed Syntax bug

Text Edit Plus 12.6
June 4, 2023 (PST)

  • Added “Highlight Selected Text”

Text Edit Plus 12.5
June 3, 2023 (PST)

  • Added “Auto Recover Unsaved Changes”
  • Added “Auto Save”

Text Edit Plus 12.4
May 7, 2023 (PST)

  • Added “Delete Duplicate Lines (quick sort)“
  • Improved “Convert Non-English Chars to English Chars”
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 12.3
April 18, 2023 (PST)

  • Improved “Clip Lines”
  • Improved “Extract Text”
  • Improved “Reset to Defaults”

Text Edit Plus 12.2
March 28, 2023 (PST)

  • Improved “Spell Checker”
  • Improved “Auto Refresh File”
  • Improved “Monitor External File Modification”
  • Added Ctrl+Tab keyboard shortcut to change tabs
  • Improved UI

Text Edit Plus 12.1
March 6, 2023 (PST)

  • Added right-click “Customize Tool Bar” shortcut
  • Improved “HTML Decode”
  • If there is text selected, “Uppercase and Lowercase” is applied to the selected text
  • Fixed “Syntax” bug
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 12.0
February 10, 2023 (PST)

  • Added “Customize Tool Bar”
  • Fixed “Select All” bug
  • Improved “Always on Top”
  • Improved UI
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 11.9
February 3, 2023 (PST)

  • Added “Undo” and “Redo” into tool-bar
  • Improved “Redo” behavior
  • Fixed “FindDialog” shortcut bug
  • Improved trial version behavior
  • Fixed some memory leaks
  • Fixed “SynEdit doesn’t show vertical scroll-bar after loading file”
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 11.8
January 7, 2023 (PST)

  • Fixed “View” menu bugs related to multiple tabs
  • Fixed “Code Folding” bugs
  • Fixed C++ syntax bug
  • Fixed “Add Thousand Separator to Numbers” bug
  • Fixed new tab creation glitch
  • Increased default tab caption width
  • Improved Text > Filter Fines > using Text Length

Text Edit Plus 11.7
November 30, 2022 (PST)

  • Added View > Code Folding menu item
  • Supported code folding for C++, JavaScript and Python
  • Added “Add Thousand Separator to Numbers”
  • Added “Convert Non-Breaking Spaces to Regular Spaces”
  • Fixed “Ctrl+Z doesn’t work after Delete All Spaces or Delete Extra Spaces”
  • Improved uppercase and lowercase conversion (non-English converts using system locale)
  • Fixed “Convert Numbers to Text” bug
  • Fixed tab related “Open” bug
  • Moved some menu items
  • All “Text” menu items now handle all text, instead of selected text

Text Edit Plus 11.6
October 17, 2022 (PST)

  • Implemented grayed out save button
  • Improved menu icons
  • Fixed “Big Icons” bug
  • Fixed tab close related bugs
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 11.5
October 10, 2022 (PST)

  • Fixed tab close related bugs
  • Fixed “KeyPress Simulator” bugs
  • Fixed “Auto Refresh File” bug
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 11.4
September 19, 2022 (PST)

  • Improved memory usage
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 11.3
August 24, 2022 (PST)

  • Added “Auto Paste When Clipboard Changes” menu item
  • Added new syntax highlighters (BAT, INI, Inno Setup Script, Unix Shell Script, Unreal Engine Script)
  • Tabs remember syntax
  • Added “Close” menu item
  • Fixed tab close bug
  • Fixed “Delete After” bug
  • Fixed “Access Violation” errors when opening multiple files
  • Improved error messages
  • “runwith.txt” is now UTF-8 encoded

Text Edit Plus 11.2
August 20, 2022 (PST)

  • Improved loading files using command line parameters
  • Fixed drag and drop related bug
  • Fixed reopen related bug
  • Fixed scaling problem of tab caption font
  • Ctrl+N opens new tab, instead of new window

Text Edit Plus 11.1
August 16, 2022 (PST)

  • Supported multiple tabs
  • Fixed form close bug

Text Edit Plus 11.0
July 29, 2022 (PST)

  • Supported UTF-16 encoding
  • Application automatically detects byte order marks
  • “Set as Default Encoding” is only functional when saving files
  • Added Insert - Clipboard menu items
  • Fixed Insert - Multiple Files menu item
  • Implemented thousand separator when displaying filesize in bytes
  • Classic text engine warns before opening file bigger than 1 MB
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 10.8
July 21, 2022 (PST)

  • Fixed “Always on Top” issues in “Split Lines” menu items
  • Fixed “Separate by String”
  • Improved “Change Line Spacing” window
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 10.7
July 1, 2022 (PST)

  • Fixed “Always on Top” related issues
  • Updated text analysis
  • Improved “Insert Numbers”
  • Improved “Delete Chars”
  • Improved “Delete Unnecessary Lines”
  • Improved “Even Numbered Lines” and “Odd Numbered Lines” menus
  • Opening large files automatically disables spell checker
  • Implemented loading icon while opening files
  • Fixed SynEdit line count bug

Text Edit Plus 10.6
June 22, 2022 (PST)

  • Supported Ukrainian language
  • Added “Copy Highlighted Lines” and “Delete Highlighted Lines”
  • Improved Reopen menu
  • Added “Clear File History”
  • Added “Extra Line Spacing”

Text Edit Plus 10.5
June 9, 2022 (PST)

  • Implemented “Convert Numbers To Text”
  • Fixed “Update Available window crashes FindDialog and ReplaceDialog”
  • Fixed extract text bug
  • Updated “Spell Checker”
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 10.4
April 30, 2022 (PST)

  • Added “None” to Syntax menu for displaying files faster
  • Added “Menu Hotkeys” into View menu
  • Fixed “Tab Options” bug
  • Fixed “Ctrl+Click doesn’t open URLs”
  • Fixed “invalid class typecast” error when loading some filetypes
  • Improved “Select Language” menu item for Spell Checker
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 10.3
April 14, 2022 (PST)

  • Added “Search” and “Search Every Line with Google” menu items
  • “settings.ini” file supports UTF-8
  • Fixed: font settings can’t be saved when theme is “Automatic”
  • Added Ctrl+G shortcut for “Go to”
  • Added “Diagnose” menu item
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 10.2
January 31, 2022 (PST)

  • Improved “Convert Non-English Chars to English Chars”
  • Added “URL Processor” menu
  • Added “Generate Domain Name List”
  • Added “Generate Hostname List”
  • Added “Generate URL List”
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 10.1
January 16, 2022 (PST)

  • Fixed some text engine problems
  • Classic text engine utilizes the popupmenu provided by Windows
  • Improved UI

Text Edit Plus 10.0
January 11, 2022 (PST)

  • Added “Text Engine” option, allowing Classic or SynEdit
  • Added “Filter Lines using File”
  • Added new datetime format into Insert menu
  • Improved “Regular Expression” form
  • Suppressed “File includes non-unicode characters.“ message
  • Added “Fix Broken UTF-8 Encoding” menu item

Text Edit Plus 9.9
October 22, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Finnish” language
  • ESC key closes “Find” and “Replace” dialogs

Text Edit Plus 9.8
October 4, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Insert Same Text Multiple Times” into Insert - Text menu
  • Added “Ordinal Values of Characters” into Text - Net Encoding menu
  • Fixed “Full Screen” bug
  • Fixed form move bug

Text Edit Plus 9.7
September 26, 2021 (PST)

  • Fixed word-wrap related “Spell Checker” bug
  • Fixed theme change bug
  • Fixed status-bar bug
  • Improved translations
  • Missing translations are placed at the bottom of language files so that translators can access them more easily

Text Edit Plus 9.6
September 23, 2021 (PST)

  • Executable includes secondary icon for .txt file association
  • “Playful” menu renamed as “Extras”
  • Added “Increase Font Size” and “Decrease Font Size” allowing Ctrl + mouse wheel scroll
  • Fixed “Change Font” bug
  • Fixed “Modified” bug
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 9.5
August 19, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Export Lines to Files”
  • Added “Find Lines”
  • Implemented Windows theme detection
  • Improved online activation
  • Improved installer
  • Fixed About box related bug
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 9.4
July 15, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Net Encoding” menu
  • Improved “Syntax Highlighter”
  • Improved UI
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 9.3
July 1, 2021 (PST)

  • Fixed “DictionaryIndex” bug
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 9.2
July 1, 2021 (PST)

  • Implemented live spell checking
  • Implemented “Add Word To Dictionary”
  • Improved “Suggested Corrections”
  • Improved spell checker dictionaries
  • Added “URL Opener” menu item
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 9.1
June 23, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Random Text Generator” menu item
  • Fixed word-wrap space problem
  • Improved translations
  • Improved UI

Text Edit Plus 9.0
June 1, 2021 (PST)

  • Introduced Language menu (Syntax Highlighter)
  • Added “Unicode Detector”
  • Added “Highlight Active Line”
  • Changed BorderStyle to None in order to remove glitch
  • Fixed capitalize related bugs
  • Improved license check algorithm
  • Improved UI

Text Edit Plus 8.9
May 18, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Go to” menu item into “Edit” menu
  • Added “Delete All Spaces” menu item into “Text” menu
  • Fixed reopen autohotkey bug that occurs when filename contains non-latin characters
  • “Export to HTML” and “Export to PDF” preserve font name and font size
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 8.8
April 17, 2021 (PST)

  • Added Ctrl+Y shortcut for “Redo” menu item
  • Ctrl+V shortcut works inside Find and Replace dialogs
  • Fixed unicode related “Reopen” bug
  • Fixed “Randomize Line Order” bug
  • Improved language files

Text Edit Plus 8.7
April 6, 2021 (PST)

  • Translation support
  • Improved “Convert Erroneous UTF-8 to ANSI” menu item

Text Edit Plus 8.6
March 9, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Random Number Generator” into Playful menu
  • Added “Delete Extra Spaces” into Text menu
  • Added “Delete Starting or Ending Strings” into Text menu
  • Fixed “Reopen” bug

Text Edit Plus 8.5
March 4, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Tab Options”
  • Application brings to front after drag and drop

Text Edit Plus 8.4
February 20, 2021 (PST)

  • New “URL” color and “Visited URL” color for “Dark Mode”
  • Implemented high-DPI awareness for “Big Icons”
  • Fixed “Extract Text” related bugs

Text Edit Plus 8.3
February 8, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Big Icons” menu item
  • Added “Auto Refresh File” menu item
  • Improved “Filter Lines using Text” window by including “Case Sensitive”, “Contains”, “Starts with” and “Ends with” options
  • Improved “Extract Text” window by including “GETURLREADABLE” and “GETURLWORDS” commands
  • Fixed “Reset to Defaults” related bug
  • Improved UI

Text Edit Plus 8.2
January 8, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “Multiple Files” into “Insert” menu

Text Edit Plus 8.1
January 4, 2021 (PST)

  • Implemented SynTaskDialog library
  • Fixed empty ANSI file problem

Text Edit Plus 8.0
December 27, 2020 (PST)

  • Implemented hyperlink highlighting
  • Implemented clickable hyperlinks by pressing Ctrl button
  • Added “Highlight Odd Lines” menu item
  • Improved “Line Numbers”
  • Added “Separate Long lines (Keep Words)“ menu item
  • Disabled trim trailing spaces

Text Edit Plus 7.9
November 10, 2020 (PST)

  • Fixed “Can’t read last modified date” bug
  • Clears existing text before opening a binary file
  • Binary files are only visible using ANSI encoding

Text Edit Plus 7.8
October 20, 2020 (PST)

  • Added “Spell Checker Options” form
  • Fixed “Line Order” up and down bug

Text Edit Plus 7.7
September 27, 2020 (PST)

  • Renewed Encoding menu
  • Added optional UTF-8-BOM menu item
  • Fixed invalid filename problem after theme changes
  • Filenames grabbed by parameters are not lowercase any more

Text Edit Plus 7.6
September 20, 2020 (PST)

  • Fixed UTF-8 related parameter problem
  • Fixed trying to open directory problem

Text Edit Plus 7.5
September 13, 2020 (PST)

  • Remembers form position instead of screen center
  • Tries to open files using UTF-8 encoding if UTF-8 is the default encoding
  • Implemented optional .txt file association
  • “E-mail Processor” improvements
  • “Drag and Drop Filenames” improvements

Text Edit Plus 7.4
September 2, 2020 (PST)

  • Added “Reopen” menu
  • Updated English dictionary file for spell checking
  • Document name is sent to print queue
  • “Reset to Defaults” menu item also clears “reopen” and “run with” history

Text Edit Plus 7.3
August 25, 2020 (PST)

  • Right-click popup-menu displays spell checker suggestions
  • Pressing alt key allows selecting columns
  • “Spell Checker” displays message if no spelling error is found
  • Encoding improvements
  • Default encoding is now UTF-8

Text Edit Plus 7.2
August 21, 2020 (PST)

  • Fixed “Replace Dialog” bug that causes recursion and application crash
  • Removed “Language File Editor”
  • Changed installer’s welcome image

Text Edit Plus 7.1
August 15, 2020 (PST)

  • Fixed “Spell Checker” dictionary load bug occurs on non-English computers

Text Edit Plus 7.0
August 14, 2020 (PST)

  • Introduced “Spell Checker” functionality
  • Added “Export to HTML”
  • Added “Export to PDF”
  • Added “Highlight Even Lines”
  • Improved “ASCII Art”
  • WordWrap is now under Options menu
  • Default font for Windows XP is now Fixedsys

Text Edit Plus 6.8
July 8, 2020 (PST)

  • Supported portable deployment

Text Edit Plus 6.7
June 23, 2020 (PST)

  • Fixed “invalid char” bug that prohibits SaveDialog execution
  • Fixed “too long filename” bug that prohibits SaveDialog execution
  • Suppressed the error message when last modified date of file can’t be read

Text Edit Plus 6.6
June 14, 2020 (PST)

  • Fixed the “tab char” bug that prohibits SaveDialog execution

Text Edit Plus 6.5
May 1, 2020 (PST)

  • Added “Redo” menu item
  • “Fixed-Pitch Fonts” is now optional
  • Improved “Dark Mode”
  • Fixed bug causing tab obstacle

Text Edit Plus 6.4
March 14, 2020 (PST)

  • Added “Display Special Chars” menu item

Text Edit Plus 6.3
February 23, 2020 (PST)

  • Added “New Window” menu item

Text Edit Plus 6.2
February 10, 2020 (PST)

  • Improved “Dark Mode”

Text Edit Plus 6.1
November 1, 2019 (PST)

  • Fixed “undo” bug
  • Fixed “full screen” bug
  • Fixed “sample text” bug
  • Text font dialog is restricted to “Fixed Pitch Only”

Text Edit Plus 6.0
October 31, 2019 (PST)

  • Utilized SynEdit text engine
  • Implemented real-time line numbers display
  • Increased high-DPI awareness for wide screens such as Full HD and 4K
  • Implemented load time display
  • Revised Find and Replace dialogs

Text Edit Plus 5.7
September 15, 2019 (PST)

  • Added “Auto Copy Highlighted Text to Clipboard” into Options menu
  • Default font size changed from 9 to 11
  • Menu font settings are remembered on next launch
  • Dark and Light theme font settings are separated and remembered on next launch
  • Statistics data columns are now resizable

Text Edit Plus 5.6
August 29, 2019 (PST)

  • Improved encoding support
  • Added “Set as Default Encoding” menu item
  • Default font changed from Fixedsys to Consolas
  • Fixed bug related “Reset to Defaults” menu item

Text Edit Plus 5.5
July 15, 2019 (PST)

  • Added “Edit with Text Edit Plus” to the right-click context menu for all file types
  • First non-empty line content is now suggested as new filename

Text Edit Plus 5.4
May 21, 2019 (PST)

  • Improved regular expression support
  • Added “Run with” menu for opening text file using external executables
  • Speed enhancement for “Delete Chars” menu items
  • Improved insert datetime menu
  • Added Ctrl+W support for closing the application in addition to Alt+F4

Text Edit Plus 5.3
May 3, 2019 (PST)

  • Improved text statistics analysis

Text Edit Plus 5.2
April 30, 2019 (PST)

  • Implemented Dark Mode in addition to the classic Light Mode
  • Settings INI file is now suitable for portable usage

Text Edit Plus 5.1
April 9, 2019 (PST)

  • Line order can be changed by using the menu or keyboard shortcut
  • If the search string is not found, Find Dialog asks whether to start searching from the beginning
  • For improved reality, KeyPress Simulator sometimes writes incorrect character and corrects afterwards
  • Uppercase and lowercase commands goes back to previous line after the operation
  • Find Erroneous Emails command warns if no erroneous email is found

Text Edit Plus 5.0
January 11, 2019 (PST)

  • Improved DPI awareness for high resolution screens
  • Improved UI
  • Added separate lines by string

Text Edit Plus 4.9
October 3, 2018 (PST)

  • If the search string is not found, Replace Dialog asks whether to start searching from the beginning or not

Text Edit Plus 4.8
September 19, 2018 (PST)

  • Preview form for Language File Editor added

Text Edit Plus 4.7
July 13, 2018 (PST)

  • Overwrite prompt for Save Dialog is added

Text Edit Plus 4.6
July 6, 2018 (PST)

  • This version fixes some bugs

Text Edit Plus 4.5
June 18, 2018 (PST)

  • This version fixes some bugs

Version Evolution

We are always working to improve our software for a better user experience!

Please make sure you are up to date to avoid any known issues and to get the best of what the software has to offer!

Got an idea for future releases?

Feature Requests